Alessandro Buffi
Architect and Computational Designer
2017- now Computational Designer
University of Perugia, Italy​
2017 Architectural Designer
Arch. Francesco Buffi - Florence, Italy
2015 Erasmus+Traineeship Scholarship
ecoLogicStudio - London, UK
2011-2016 Master Degree in Architecture and Building Engineering - University of Perugia, Italy
2006-2011 Scientific High School - Perugia, Italy
BUFFI A., ANGELINI G., Adaptive Timber Towers: An evolutionary prototype for the 21st Century Skyscraper, in Digital Wood Design: Innovative Techniques of Representation in Architectural Design, Springer, 2019. ISBN: 978-3-030-03676-8.
BUFFI A., BIANCONI F., FILIPPUCCI M., Optimization and evolution in architectural morphogenesis, in Analyzing Form and Morphogenesis in Modern Architectural Contexts, D'UVA D. (EDS.), IGI Global, New York 2017. ISBN: 978-1-5225-3993-3.
BIANCONI F., BUFFI A., FILIPPUCCI M., Drawing, Model and Nature: Form-finding one hundred years after "On growth and form", in 3D Modeling and BIM, Empler T., Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome 2017.
ISBN: 978-88-49645019.
Rhinoceros & Grasshopper
Archicad, Revit & Vectorworks (BIM)
Structural and Environmental Optimization
Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator & InDesign
Cinema 4D & Vray
2018 Digital&BIM Italia - SAIE Bologna, Italy
Dynamo and Autodesk Revit​
2018 Oltre il BIM - Milan, Italy
Rhinoceros and Archicad GRAPHISOFT
2017 3D Modeling & BIM - Rome, Italy
SAPIENZA University of Rome
2016 Compass the way together - Perugia, Italy
Stefano Andreani
2014 Form-finding Strategies Workshop - Milan, Italy
Arturo Tedeschi
Honor & Awards
SKYHIVE Skyscraper Challenge 2018
International Architecture Competition
Bee Breeders